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 accum_dep()                calculate accumulated depreciation
 ansi_call()                create an ANSI escape sequence
 ansiback()                 convert DOS background code to ANSI
 ansifore()                 convert DOS foreground code to ANSI
 atrim()                    trims leading and trailing blanks
 average()                  calculate the average of a set of reals
 beep()                     generate a standard IBM PC beep
 bitrevb()                  bit reverse a byte
 bitrevl()                  bit reverse a long
 bitrevw()                  bit reverse a word
 box()                      draw a box
 boxwindow()                draw a 'window'
 Cal...()                   family of Calendar date conversions
 CapsLock()                 set the Caps Lock key state
 CEDadd()                   add a CED installable command
 CEDremove()                remove a CED installable command
 center()                   coordinate to center a message on screen
 changelitebar()            set internal litebar menu
 Checksum_block()           calculate checksum for a block
 clear()                    clears a portion of the screen
 clear_typeahead()          clear typeahead buffer
 cls()                      clear screen
 color()                    make a single attribute
 commit()                   flush disk buffers for to a handle
 Compaq386GetCpuSpeed()     get cpu speed on a Compaq 386
 Compaq386KbdType()         keyboard type used by a Compaq 386
 Compaq386SetCpuSpeed()     get cpu speed on a Compaq 386
 CompaqExternalMonitorType()    Get external monitor type
 CompaqGetMasterMode()      Get master mode of current controller
 CompaqGetMonitor()         Get active monitor
 CompaqInternalMonitorType()    Get internal monitor type
 CompaqModeSwitchDelay()    Set mode switch delay
 CompaqSelectMonitor()      Select active monitor
 CompaqSetMasterMode()      Set master mode of current controller
 cpu_id()                   identify the cpu
 CRC16_block()              calculate CRC-16 for a block
 CRC16tupdate()             update a CRC-16 value via tables
 CRC16update()              update a CRC-16 value
 CRC32tupdate()             update a CRC-32 value via tables
 cursor_blink()             set speed of cursor blink
 cursor_flip()              toggle the cursor type
 cursor_off()               turn the cursor off
 cursor_on()                turn the cursor on
 date_convert()             convert date formats
 dayofweek()                find the day of the week
 dayofyear()                calculate the day of the year
 daysleft()                 calculate the days left in the year
 ddatetofull()              convert a date to full string
 ddatetoshort()             convert a date to short string
 ddatetostr()               convert a date to abbrev. string
 depreciation()             calculate depreciation for a period
 DESQapilevel()             define minimum API level required
 DESQappnum()               DESQview program number
 DESQbeginc()               begin critical section
 DESQcommonmem()            returns measure of common memory available
 DESQconvenmem()            returns measure of conventional memory available
 DESQdisperror()            popup a DESQview error window
 DESQendc()                 end critical section
 DESQexit()                 exit program in DESQview
 DESQexpandedmem()          returns measure of expanded memory available
 DESQgetbuf()               get DESQview virtual screen info
 DESQgetmem()               allocate DESQview "system" memory
 DESQiskmouse()             is mouse emulated via keyboard
 DESQjustify()              set automatic window justification
 DESQkmouse_off()           disable keyboard mouse emulation
 DESQkmouse_on()            enable keyboard mouse emulation
 DESQostack()               switch to DESQview's internal stack
 DESQpause()                give up CPU time
 DESQpoke()                 displays a char on the status line
 DESQposttask()             awaken DESQview task
 DESQpushkey()              put key into keyboard input stream
 DESQputmem()               deallocate DESQview "system" memory
 DESQsound()                makes a tone under DESQview
 DESQstart()                start (unFreeze) a task
 DESQstop()                 stop (Freeze) the current task
 DESQustack()               switch back to program's stack
 DESQversion()              DESQview version
 diffddate()                calculate the difference in 2 dates
 diskchanged()              has the disk has been changed
 disktype()                 identify disk type
 dosday()                   extract day from file date stamp
 doshour()                  extract hour from file time stamp
 dosmonth()                 extract hour from file date stamp
 dosmin()                   extract minutes from file time stamp
 dossec()                   extract seconds from file time stamp
 dostimetolong()            convert DOS time to 1/100 seconds
 dosyear()                  extract year from file date stamp
 double_decline_bal_dep()   calculate double declining balance depreciation
 DoubleDOSfreeCPU()         give up CPU time under Double DOS
 DoubleDOSGetVirtual()      get DoubleDOS virtual screen address
 DoubleDOSTaskSwitch()      set Double DOS task switching on/off
 EMMversion()               version of Expanded Memory Manager
 EMSGetStatus()             get Expanded Memory status
 EMSinfo()                  determines EMM version and EMS pages
 EMSpages()                 determine total and available pages of EMS memory
 EMSwarmbootprep()          prepares the EMM for warm boot
 endstri()                  get offset to last char of a string
 endstrp()                  get pointer to last char of a string
 expandfilespec()           expand a filespec into a full DOS filepathname
 Extendedtotal()            total Extended memory installed
 factorial()                determines a factorial (n!)
 fileexist()                does a file exist
 fname_match()              compare filenames w/wildcards
 fncmp()                    compare filenames w/wildcards
 frac()                     round the fractional portion of a real
 fsgn()                     sign of a real
 fulltoddate()              convert a full date to struct
 FV()                       calculate the Future Value of a single amount
 FVa()                      calculate the Future Value of an annuity
 getAssignmemseg()          get ASSIGN work area segment
 getBootBlock()             get Boot Block
 getBootBlock4()            get Boot Block under DOS 4.x.
 getBPB()                   get Bios Parameter Block
 getc_match()               get specific input, case dependent
 getci_match()              get specific input, case
 getcursor()                gets cursor scan lines
 getdatehk()                inputs a date from the keyboard
 getdouble()                inputs a double from the keyboard
 getfilespec()              get a DIR proper filespec
 getfname()                 get a filename from the keyboard
 getget()                   get a string from the keyboard w/editing
 getint()                   inputs an integer from the keyboard
 getk()                     get a key
 getlogical()               get Yes/No
 getpw()                    inputs a password from the keyboard
 getreal()                  inputs a real from the keyboard
 getstr()                   input a string from the keyboard
 GetTypePointDevice()       PDBI: Get Device ID
 getVolSerialNum()          get Volume Serial Number (DOS 4.x)
 getyn()                    get Yes/No
 gotohv()                   move cursor to absolute coordinates
 Greg...()                  family of Gregorian date conversion functions
 horiz_line()               draw a horizontal line
 initkeyvars()              setup internal keyboard settings
 inkey()                    get a key
 inkeyc()                   get a key, capitalize alphabetics
 inkeycdv()                 get a key, capitalize alphabetics, DESQview aware
 inkeydv()                  get a key, DESQview aware
 intlen()                   calculate length of integer in a string
 InsLock()                  set the Insert key state
 is2nd8259()                is a 2nd 8259 chip installed
 isallalpha()               are all characters in string alphabetic
 isallalphanum()            are all characters in string alphanumeric
 isalllower()               are all characters in string lower case
 isallupper()               are all characters in string upper case
 isAnarkey()                is ANARKEY.COM by Steven Calwas installed
 isAppendavail()            is APPEND installed
 isAssignavail()            is ASSIGN installed
 isAutoPark()               is AUTOPARK.COM by Alan D. Jones installed
 isBlogical()               is drive B: logical
 isBREAKon()                check Ctrl-BREAK flag
 iscdevicemoderaw()         is character device in "raw" mode
 isCEDavail()               is CED installed
 isCGA()                    also isEGA(), isHerc(), isMDA(), ismono(), iscolor()
 isdate()                   character classification
 isdir()                    is a FAT entry a subdirectory
 isDoubleDOS()              is DoubleDOS installed
 isdrivelocal()             is drive local or remote
 isDriverSys()              is DRIVER.SYS installed
 isEMSavail()               is EMS available
 isEnhanceKbd()             is an enhanced keyboard installed
 iseven()                   is a number even
 isExtended()               is Extended memory installed
 isfilename()               character classification
 isgameport()               is a game port installed
 isgn()                     sign of an integer
 ishandlelocal()            is handle local or remote
 isHiliteable()             can a menu command be hilighted
 isInvisible()              is this the invisible program under Double DOS
 isleapyear()               is a year a leap year
 isMCA()                    is the bus Micro Channel Architecture
 ismouse()                  is a mouse installed
 isNetwork()                is a network installed
 isNLSFuncCom()             is NLSFUNC.COM installed
 isNovellNetavail()         is Novell Network installed
 isodd()                    is a number odd
 ispathname()               character classification
 ispcAnywhere()             is pcAnywhere installed
 isPRINTavail()             is PRINT.COM installed
 isPM()                     the the hour AM or PM
 isrealtimeclock()          is a real time clock installed
 isRedirectStdin()          is stdin redirected
 isRedirectStdout()         is stdout redirected
 isremoveable()             is device removeable
 isScrnSav2()               is SCRNSAV2.COM by Alan Ballard installed
 isShareavail()             is SHARE installed
 isstate()                  is string a state abbreviation
 isVERIFYon()               check VERIFY flag
 isVidclock()               is VIDCLOCK.COM by Tom Hanlin installed
 isWhoa()                   is WHOA!.COM by Brad Crandall installed
 iswildcarded()             checks a string for DOS wildcards
 isXMSinstalled()           is XMS installed
 iszip()                    is a zip code valid for a state

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson